Your AI Thesis Supervisor:

Precisely Analysing Your Thesis

  • Abstract
  • Citations
  • Structure
  • Methodology
  • Inclusivity

Receive instant feedback and a personalised action plan to efficiently complete all remaining thesis tasks.

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Advanced Features

An AI-driven tool to support students in overcoming the challenges of thesis writing.

Clear Goal Definition and Structuring

Clear Goal Definition and Structuring

Our tool supports you in developing a clear understanding of your research objectives and articulating them precisely.

Technical Language Precision

Technical Language Precision

Overcome the challenges of specialized terminology in your work. Our AI feedback system analyzes your text for correct usage of technical terms and sharpens your argumentation.

Efficient Time Management

Efficient Time Management

Master time pressure and avoid setbacks while writing your thesis. Our tool helps you create a schedule and prioritize your tasks.

Content Coherence and Chapter Structure

Content Coherence and Chapter Structure

Strengthen the logical structuring of your thesis. Our AI tool checks the coherence of the content and the organization of the chapters to ensure the clarity of your work.

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Utilize Al Feedback for Your Thesis

How does AI Thesis Coach compare?

AI Thesis Coach

  • ✅ High expertise
  • ✅ Cost-effective
  • ✅ Reliable feedback
  • ✅ Feedback in ~2 Minutes
  • ✅ Quick help


  • ✖️ Limited expertise
  • ✅ Cost-effective
  • ✖️ Variable feedback quality
  • ✅ Immediate responses
  • ✖️ Requires hours for high-quality prompts


  • ✖️ Limited expertise
  • ✅ Free
  • ✖️ Variable reliability
  • ✖️ Takes days
  • ✅ Quick help

Professional Service

  • ✅ High expertise
  • ✖️ Expensive
  • ✅ Reliable feedback
  • ✖️ Takes days
  • ✅ Quick help
Pioneer Discount! For a limited time, you can have your Bachelor's or Master's thesis reviewed for just 29 CHF.


Risk-free: If you're not satisfied with the feedback, we'll refund your money.
Payment is handled after a free compatibility check.
39 CHF29 CHF

Basic Feedback

Receive valuable feedback on your thesis.

This includes:

Review of cover, abstract, coherence, and source density
Check for logical errors, gender-inclusive language, and correct citation
Automatic to-do list based on feedback and submission date
89 CHF59 CHF

Feedback Plus

Valuable feedback on 3 versions of your thesis + possible questions for the defense.

This includes:

Review of cover, abstract, coherence, and source density
Check for logical errors, gender-inclusive language, and correct citation
Automatic to-do list based on feedback and submission date
Generation of possible defense questions
Get feedback on future version of your thesis
135 CHF99 CHF

Feedback Ultimate

Valuable feedback on 5 versions of your thesis + possible questions for the defense.

This includes:

Review of cover, abstract, coherence, and source density
Check for logical errors, gender-inclusive language, and correct citation
Automatic to-do list based on feedback and submission date
Generation of possible defense questions
Get feedback on future version of your thesis


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